Ko Au Tenei

Tuhituhi:Toku Pepeha

Ko Kake Puku te Maunga

Ko Waipa te Awa

Ko Tanui te Waka 

Ko Te Kopua te Marae

Ko Ngati-Mangia-Poto te Iwi

Ko Ngati Porou te Hapu

Toku Whanau:

Ko Leisha toku Mama

Ko Chummise toku Papa

Ko Kerewai,Poia,Wairahi raua ko Erita toku Tuakanga

Ko Waitarehu toku Teina 

Ko Rehupo Thomson toku ingoa 

E 11 toku Tau 

Noreira Tena Koutou,Tena Koutou, 
Tena Koutou katoa.


  1. Good work rehupo your catergpry is meant to be kaupapa nottuhi but good try you need to improve on reading and editing before you post.


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