Toi Pueru

1. When i was starting to do my wearable arts i cut  me a black rope.Image result for wearable arts maori

2.  I tied the rope between the stairs to make sure it was tight. 

3. I then cut lots of white string, over 100 pieces. 

4. I put my  white string around the rope and locked it in with a special knot.

5. I tied the string on one by one and pushed them together so it was all joined.  I like slinging my white string onto the rope because it looks cool and its looks like knitting. 

6. When all the string is attached to the rope I need to make sure that it is long enough, so it can fit around my body or it might be too short.

7. I then Miro all of my string and tied them off one by one. it doesnt take me very long cause i am really fast at Miro. 
 I was almost to the end but then it was time to pack up to go home.  So i had to pack up my pake and put it in the red box for the next day. 

8. The next day i  finished off of my pake,  i finished all of my miro. I was really fast so i helped Shirlena my friend to finish her Korowai. When i was doing Shirlena's korowai i was helping her make blue and pink feathers for her korowai. 

9. The next day my mum came to my class room to help my class mates. Mum can make lots of Maori kakahu, like Pake, Maro, tatua, potae and Korowai. 

10. I work at home with my mum all the time and I am her best worker. My mum  teaches me all the tricks and shows me how  to whatu.  Whatu is a speacial taniko  weave that Maori do to keep all the Miro together.  It keeps it strong and straight. 

11. When i was doing my whatu my string was little so i this 


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