ASB Polyfest/Te Pareherehetanga

The Whale Rider

Ko Au Tenei

Tuhituhi:Toku Pepeha

Ko Kake Puku te Maunga

Ko Waipa te Awa

Ko Tanui te Waka 

Ko Te Kopua te Marae

Ko Ngati-Mangia-Poto te Iwi

Ko Ngati Porou te Hapu

Toku Whanau:

Ko Leisha toku Mama

Ko Chummise toku Papa

Ko Kerewai,Poia,Wairahi raua ko Erita toku Tuakanga

Ko Waitarehu toku Teina 

Ko Rehupo Thomson toku ingoa 

E 11 toku Tau 

Noreira Tena Koutou,Tena Koutou, 
Tena Koutou katoa.

Taku Whakamokemoke.

Taku Whakamokemoke

Te paki o te ra kāore i rite ki te paki i mōhio ai tāua. Te aunga ranei o te moe, i nunumi tahi me koe. Haere nei ahau i tēnei ao; me he tōtara mamore, tahanga kau ana, kāore ona hoa, Āna take.
Aku mate i te Ao, waiho ki te ao. E te po, tukua ahau kia hā tuamatangi, Kia whai ai i te heke o Maruiwi. "Mate ana ahau i te ao, Ora ana ki te po".
Ararā ia, te take o aku katoa, Te torere o taku manawa, Taku whakamokemoke, Taku tangi whakaingoingo. “Nau mai e tama, Kua roa koe e tāria ana. Haramai, kia haere ai taua I te ara o te āke āke


Even the finest of days Never equate to the perfection we once knew. Nor does the serenity of sleep, That disappeared with you. I live life on earth Like a lone tōtara, Bare, Without friends, Without purpose.
My illnesses in this world, let them remain here. '0 the night, allow me my last breath, So, that I may follow in the demise of Maruiwi, 'Deceased, I am, in the world, risen again in the afterlife'.
Yonder she waits, the purpose of my existence, My beloved one, My reason for yearning, The source of this painful love. 'Welcome my darling, your arrival has long been awaited. Come, follow me now on the path to eternity'

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